Basic User How-To Videos

Getting Started with Commute Tracker
Commute Tracker makes it easier than ever to track your trips from home to work and back. Here’s how to set up the app.
Tracking Trips with Commute Tracker
Commute Tracker is an easy way to track and log your commutes. Here’s how to confirm, create, and manage trips on the app.
How To Register
Start here! How to get up and running by registering for an account with your RideAmigos-powered platform.
Signing Up For Networks
Networks are used for companies, departments, groups, and more. Learn how to get connected to the right ones.
Comparing Your Smart Commute Options
RideAmigos shows you all the best ways to get from point A to point B. Discover all your options.
Saving a Favorite Trip
Once you’ve searched for your transportation options, save your favorite trip for future use.