Incentives and Events Forum

SLOCOG (Peter Williamson):
“SLOCOG presented on their varied uses of the Point Programs module, including:
- An employer subsidized Visa Reward program administered by SLOCOG that pays employees $0.50 per day for their smart commutes (currently using iCard Solutions as the card provider),
- A commuter store (beta stage) that encourages employees at companies not participating in the Visa Reward program to log commutes,
- The administration of SLOCOG’s ERH (or GRH) program.
SLOCOG also went over a few uses for the Events module, including: Volunteer events, Single trip matching, High traffic event marketing sponsorship.
SBCAG (Lori La Riva):
- City requirement for hospital expansion in Santa Barbara residential neighborhood: Offer a monthly $75 parking cash-out for employees who don’t drive to work a minimum of 80% of the time. (The value for part-time employees is halved: $37.50.)
- The RideAmigos incentive module allows for the network administrator to create individual monthly incentives based on a percentage of eligible commute days. Employees can enroll monthly and if they reach 80% at the end of the month they can claim their cash-out.
DRCOG (Colleen Miller):
- Currently using the Events platform to encourage ski carpools to eight area ski resorts. Page on explains how to set up a carpool for skiing and then link drectly to Promote it via social media and partner channels.
- Partnering with a number of local annual events (starting with a huge 10k and a marathon). In 2016 we’ll work on a pilot program with these events and then evaluate participation and survey participants and event organizers to see how we can improve.
- Uses for the Events platform are very far reaching and could encompass a wide range of events.