If you didn’t join us from the trip planning article, the first step is to search for your commute options using the trip planner tool.  

Once you’ve searched, you’re faced with all of your commute mode options, one of which is Bike. After clicking on this mode, you’ll be greeted with the routes that our system has matched with your trip. In the “Show Me” card, you can change the view from Routes to Bikepools. From here you can see all of your Bikepool options.

Available bikepools will be listed below. For each listing, you can see the details of the trip including preferences and days and times.  

Contact a bikepool owner by clicking on the card for the bikepool you’re interested in to expand the window and review its details, then click ‘Connect’.  Compose your message to the bikepool owner, click send, and your message will be emailed directly to the user. 

Your message to the bikepool owner will include your name and your email address.  If you would like to include additional contact options, you can add that to your message. Once you and the bikepool owner connect, you can work out the finer details of your ride and be on your way.

No bikepool matches found?

Want to bikepool but there are none listed? This is where we encourage you to post one!  You can start your own bikepool so that other commuters like yourself don’t need to. You can add details and preferences to ensure that you share your ride with only people you are comfortable with.  So, if you don’t see any bikepools listed… click ‘Start a Bikepool’ and get going.

Fill in all of the fields with your bike-pooling preferences to ensure that your bikepool is as enjoyable as possible.

Commute vs. One Time Trip – If this is a trip you take on a regular schedule, choose Commute. What good is a bikepool if you only use it once, anyway?

Flexible Hours – Check this if you have some flexibility in times you indicate and are open to bike-pooling with others who have slightly different schedules.

Share This Trip – Your bikepool can be shared with anyone on the site who is planning a similar commute trip, with no one, or only with other members of networks to which you belong. To select networks to share your trip with, choose Specific Networks, then click or type in the network selection box.

Your bikepool will now appear during related searches by other users.  If a user sees your bikepool and is interested in joining, you will receive an email from them.  Then, you can discuss details and get riding!